Social Commentary

Why Don't Men Like Women
150 pages
By Richard Sonnichsen

Anyone curious about the form and sources of the formidable obstacles faced by women in their quest for equality with men — now and over the centuries — should read this book.

288 pages
By Richard Sonnichsen

The book title, A Leaf in a Stream, was chosen to portray human life as a sequential series of random events over which we have minimal control. Stoics and Buddhists believe that it is useless to worry about what we cannot control in our world, so we should concentrate our energies on those things we can. Here are some ideas about how to go about that.

Church in Peril
158 pages
By Richard Sonnichsen

Dick Sonnichsen is watching what was once one of the foundation blocks of his life disintegrate before his very eyes — as well as the eyes of a watching world. The Catholic Church, in which he grew up and attended faithfully for decades, is indeed a church in peril.

248 pages
By Richard Sonnichsen

In All Fish Have Bones, Dick Sonnichsen tracks his life journey from committed Catholic to skeptic, explaining in detail why he has come to be an “unbeliever” along the way and what it has done for him emotionally, mentally, and, yes, spiritually.

All Fish Have Bones