
24.08.01 NewCoverNPTrailFinal 72
334 pages
By Sandy Compton

Sandy Compton published the memoir Side Trips From Cowboy: Addiction, Recovery and The Western American Myth in 2009. A lot can happen in 15 years. This new version leaves some inconsequential stuff behind and brings more relevant material to take its place. Anyone who is, loves, knows or cares for an addict will benefit by reading Side Trips From Cowboy Revisited

220 pages
By Sandy Compton

The Scenic Route appeared as a regular column in The River Journal of Idaho and Montana for over twenty years. Author Sandy Compton, who lives on the road between Hope and Paradise, sorted out what he thinks are the best of those and put them into this volume.

The Scenic Route, by Sandy Compton
WOW 600X921
(1979 / 2024)
176 pages
By Donald E. Spritzer

Waters of Wealth by Donald Spritzer was originally published in 1979. Blue Creek Press, Libby Dam Cooperative Association and the US Army Corps of Engineers have republished it in part to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first electricity to be produced by the dam in 1975,