All Fish Have Bones

All Fish Have Bones
248 pages
By Richard Sonnichsen

Dick Sonnichsen grew up a good Catholic kid, eating fish on Fridays, most often out of a can. It’s a long way from the mountains of Idaho to the ocean.

Sonnichsen was educated in Catholic elementary and high schools and faithfully attended Mass and myriad Catholic Church functions and ceremonies for decades. He learned,  “. . . we were all sinners and only through contrition, humble obedience to Church rules and regulations and the benevolence of our Creator would we ever enjoy a pleasant afterlife.”

Eventually, he decided that there was “something wrong with this picture,” and began to explore his motivations for and the origins of his beliefs. What he discovered is the subject of All Fish Have Bones, an in-depth look at the dogmatic, paternalistic, outmoded and virtually unprovable doctrine of the Christian Church, and Catholicism in particular.

In All Fish Have Bones, Sonnichsen tracks his life journey from committed Catholic to skeptic, explaining in detail why he has come to be an “unbeliever” along the way and what it has done for him emotionally, mentally, and, yes, spiritually.

Sonnichsen reveals his logical approach to debunking the myths of religions — Christianity in particular — in favor of the realities of common sense and science. The good life is not about “being good” by meeting the rigid yet illogical demands of an unknowable Creator.

If you harbor doubts about your religious beliefs and feel confused and alone in your disbelief, All Fish Have Bones is a book you will want to read that can help resolve your uncertainty.

Blue Creek Press provided editing and interior design for All Fish Have Bones. Cover design was provided by Parker Design House of Seattle. This book is available on Amazon